Den Lockiga Fransmannen...
"Unexpected events are likely to enter the scene" said once a sugar kid...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Standing in line to see the show...
Fortunately, the concert tonite is alcohol free. Coz' I drunk too much of those beers, vodka and whisky recently. Geez, the last nite was good, I really needed it.Everything started on thursday nite. Silvia was leaving the next day, and so we all went out together a last time. We went to a pre-party first with some classmates of Ben, who is studying buisness. I have a declaration to do: even with all the efforts I could make, I'll never fit with those people. There was this danish guy, Berg, that saved me from my desolation. To feel better, I had few drinks... Then, went to a big party with the all 'snobbish Lund'... Drunk more, coz'.... same reasons than above!
Friday morning, back in school at 9. Hangover + 65 students + 65 laptops + Stella programme = HELP !!! At 4pm, everything is over, the week-end is back, and we start with the 'school pub'. More beers, again. Usch. Then back at home for a 40 minutes nap, cold shower, lasagnas, and way to Ariman. There, two Jack's with Eduardo, Nacho and Marina (but not sure it's her name...). Finally, Yellow House. I stopped drinking but water.
That's here I met Thomas, Oleg's friend. Thomas is supposed to play in a concert tonite in Lund, and it turned out that the other members cannot make it. And so, as I had a big buzz, I told him "if you need a basse, I'm in", and then... I'm gonna be in !!! Yeah yeah, for one song sure, maybe two, but I'm gonna be in. My first concert ever... Still don't realize.
Wish me good luck...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
About geezes liver
I eat frogs, I eat snails, I eat geeze livers, I have eaten brain, I have also eaten shark, I tried insects, I love more than anything raw beef and the list could keep going on. I take upon myself.I don't like war, because there is no good reasons for a war. Even if it's in order to sustain an economy based on oil dependancy. And so, I judge subjectively about these kinds of topics, because yeah, there is no good reasons for this. I take upon myself.
I have a weird sense of humor, I admit. I even don't understand my own jokes sometimes, just to tell... I take upon myself.
But there is something I'll never do: this is using ethnical origins, or worse, a name received by blood to call one of my friend. Never. And you know what, I can accept all the things I do - eating weird stuffs, criticize the policies of my country, having a strange sense of humor - but being judged after my family name, that my father, grandfather and grandgrand father had as well, I just cannot! I could never do that to someone I consider as a friend.... And so, I cannot accept it.
Anyway, I think I will forgive this glimpse of weakness, but I'll never forget, so you know you're not allowed to mess up with me anymore.
lolo the curly frog
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
På franska
Ok, aujourd'hui, en français (première fois d'ailleurs).Journée merdique hier. Pas non plus catastrophique, mais dans l'ensemble, j'ai connu mieux. Je vais pas non plus rentrer dans les détails parce que ce n'est pas le point de mon entrée du jour.
Ces journées, comme hier, où le destin se joue de nous, sont parfois si désespérées qu'un petit rien peut rendre le sourire comme ça, en un claquement de doigts. Moi, j'étais en chute libre, je tombais, vite, et je criais, comme on le fait dans ces cas-là, "Mayday Mayday..." Et Mayday est apparue...
Alors je lui ai parlé un peu, ne sachant pas trop ce qui m'arrivait. Mayday travaile à la radio où elle co-présente une émission de radio que j'aime bien. Et puis, comme le monde est petit, Marie-Hélène, une bonne amie, est aussi une bonne amie de Mayday. Alors, vous connaissez les filles, ça papote ça papote, ça se dit les choses, ça s'échange les bons plans, et puis, d'un seul coup, sans crier garre, elle est apparue dans ma liste de contacts MSN, et puis comme ça, on s'est mis à discuter.
Et puis je lui ai dit pour la journée merdique, alors on s'est mis à parler de cela, alors même qu'elle était en plein milieu du programme qu'elle présente... ET puis voilà, j'allais mieux.
Les petits riens, qui font les grands moments,
Qui vont qui viennent, quand ils ont le temps,
Ces petits bouts de vie, qu'on attrape en révant...
Saurions-nous les retrouver
Voudrais-tu les partager
JL Aubert
Et ce matin, il faisait jour... (et beau... tu comprendras, j'en suis sûr...)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Swedish winter
Lund is snowy, finally! And everything is frozen everywhere. In France, it would be a challenge for everyone. As soon as there are 4cm of snow, everyone get crazy and panic is ruling the world. Here, life goes on as usual, cars are on the roads, bikes too, even if sometimes one or two riders end up on their ass. Snow fights are back too. But the feeling that we are in winter is the most important.Tonite, don't miss the Bloc Party Black Session on the French radio France Inter at 10pm. Hope they gonna play some of their new songs...
In class, we're finally using our brains in a good way. Til now, we basically assimilated knowledges. 'Read and accept' (and remember please) was the daily routine. But our new class is so interesting (at least for me). It is challenging every minute, as it allows us to express our own thoughts and points of view, and that, because we are all different, we have to try to understand others' thoughts, and why not improve ours. 'Thinking out of the box' is cool. Talking about this: how many tales does the wolf have?
L'Abbé Pierre, a famous french preist who fought all his life for homeless and poor people, passed away. He was 94. Our president Jacquot is gonna organize national funerals as he was an important man. He diserves it, of course. But isn't it utopic that our dear Mr Chirac, a neo-classic liberalist who, theoritically and practically, applies a politic based on classe oppression, and so, is at the opposite of what did such a man as L'Abbé Pierre, can without any personal issues, be so ironic? I mean, I'm sick of this hypocrisism from politicians. And even if there is a big respect for the person himself, tell me how many times the French president tried to make his actions easier? Anyway, arguing is not useful for this very sad day. France lost a hero, not a national hero, just a hero, yeah, a real one.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Think twice
What a week! New course, new roomate, new trouble, new book, new music. But not new hair!'Tools for thinking' from M. Pidd is my new best friend for a month and a half. Unlearn what I've learned about my way of thinking is the challenge that is facing me and the others. Everything that is on our mind is a system, each behaviour we have can change the flows of those ystems. The objective: being able to modelize all those things... with of course a new approach of thoughts. Challenging? Yes. But so interesting!
Sihem, french girl (originally algerian) has just moved in this week, waiting for Silvia to leave in few days. It's cool to speak french a little bit at home, even though I hope we won't do that too much when the others will be around.
Playing: The Essex Green. You have to check it out guys, really!
New trouble: don't wanna talk about this. Even not not sure it's trouble.
The weather: still killing me. And snow expected maybe on Monday. Usch.
Yesterday evening, small party with kind people. Especially appreciated the talk with Marie-Hélène. I just wanna tell her that she's a very cool girl, very lovely and charming as well, but the best quality in her is that she's real and true, honest, natural. She rocks!
I can't go to Paris in Febuary. Damned schedule and damned money. Why????
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
HonoluLund 2
Here are the lyrics of a song I used to listen everyday, but that I hadn't in a long long while. Sung and written by Barbara, and then by Jean-Louis Aubert.N'oublie pas
L'aube revient quand même
Et même pâle
Le jour se lève encore
On reprend le corps à corps
Allons-y maintenant
Le soleil se lève encore...
Monday, January 15, 2007
I saw her at the anti-war demonstraion
We were talking about extreme sports the other night, that made me remember about the sky dive in the summer 2003 I've done in Vichy.I know since that day what adrenaline means.
This impression of 'flying high' was the most exciting part actually. I knew it would last only a minute, no more, and when you're in the air, you're shared between enjoying 100% the effects on your body, the air blowing into your ears; and also trying to free your mind and to tell yourself you're here, 5 km above everything, free like the wind, you don't think, you are just here, feeling good, tripping in the unknown, going down for the most exciting stuff of a lifetime (apart from love, of course), telling yourself you are invicible up there, nothing can touch you, nothing can annoy you, you're flying... High...
I don't know why I'm talking about this.
Yesterday, I had dinner with my two favourite chinese girls. And tonite, after the esperanto class, Oleg YuKey and yo invited us to their new place for a small and lovely dinner.
Jens Lekman is playing on the radio (inde poprock on SomaFM), the song is 'I saw her at the anti-war demonstration'... When is the next anti-war demonstration? Please?
Norway? Spain? Holland?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Sweden? Sunny? No, it's not a joke!
Lovely day, lovely mood too. Finally.I got up with a huge hangover again. Yellow House, Blekingska Nation, Ariman, kebab, and finally home yesterday night. It was grat to be again with all the guys, Torsten, David, Andrea and El Cabroncito (Eduardo) for a beer or two and good talks. It feels better now!
This afternoon, I had planned to meet Karolin for a coffee, so did I. We went to Ariman (again) for a two hours chat. Talked about her, me and the dynamics that needs to be created around entrepreners, researchers and the State. We also discussed about China and the raid she's gonna make soon in northern Sweden. We also agree that Lund is a very snobbish city. We haven't seen a lot each other, but I can say I like spend time with her a lot. She is so mature and aware about life, knows how to defend her opinions an is so passionate when she talks. I hope we gonna meet more often, it's important to spend times with different people.
Now I'm wondering what i'm going to do tonight. Different possibilities:
- go to a movie theater to watch 'Stranger than Ever'
- hang out with some people, drink tea and talk
- stay home and do nothing at all
- stay home and play the bass
- write some letters
- order and clean my room
- get depressed
- go out and walk and walk ad walk again in the city
- spy my neighbours
- chat on MSN
- make the list of all the european countries and start to submit it to you...
Right now I'm hungry and I'm gonna cook something.
Have a good week end everyone.
Friday, January 12, 2007
My next guess is Liechtenstein !?
I'm done with the paper. I made a shit I think, really. I was writting things without even thinking about it. It was like working in a fatory packing some stuffs. I really feel exploited by LUMES sometimes. Anyway, it should pass, I say 'it should'. We'll see.Apart from that, it's raining in Sweden, it's windy as well. I'm planning a trip to Paris the first week-end of february. I wanted to watch again the movie from Besson Joan of Arc. I just did it. I have smoked 7 cigarettes today. Oh, I forgot to tell you, during my french trip, I bought my new choose: red Converse. They rock! Beckham has a new contract with... Los Angeles.
You don't get disapointed if you don't expect.
I'm reading 1984 from Orwell. What a dark book. I haven't finished yet. And Theo was right: the most horrible thing that happen in this world is what they're doing with the language: make it as simple as possible, deleting words, to not allow people to think, cause thinking is useless. Yeah, I know, strange stuff, but I like the way he wrote it. You really are inside. Brrrrr....
Okay, maybe Andorra ?!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The tricky situation
Two of my roomates came back today. The house feel less lonely. We had dinner together tonite.------
My paper is driving me crazy, you know, the one about wolves in the French Alps. Althought it's very interesting, it takes into account so many parameters that I don't know how to deal with it. Damn it. Here is my CLD (désolé Marie, ne vois pas là un copiage... c juste que... enfin tu sais...)

Dear stranger, I see you keep on coming. I'm glad. I've been reading all my entries recently and also the comments (well, I had to deal with empty times... I know, it sucks). ANd I've been thinking about you a lot and your comments. Sometimes, I feel like you understand me, and it's weird, because I only know two persons on Earth who really got to know who I am really without spending that much time with me. I feel weak when that happens. But it's also those two persons who certainly helped me the more. Anyway...
Well, I'm getting curious. So, do you mind if I ask you your nationality? Yeah, I know, it's like I don't play the game anymore, but I'm curious, so...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
They're swedish, they're called I'm from Barcelona and they're good.Here they go, in a café in Paris, for a good jam.
I love it
Monday, January 08, 2007
Let's go home honey
Everybody is wondering about 'home' after this break where a lot of us were in their 'home', I mean family. So I say, why not me?I'm sure of something. My parents home is not mine anymore. I'm not sure why, cetainly because I don't feel as free as I wanna be over there, maybe because the relationship based on fights I have with my mum doesn't work anymore.
I wrote a comment on another blog today. It says that 'home' doesn't really exist, but it's rather something that would be close to 'feeling good', or at least less melo. In Vichy, I can't say I feel bad, but what is sure is that I feel more melo.
So here is my home? Here in Lund? For now, I guess so. I like the people I share my life with, a lot. But still, this melancoly is still so present some days.
Maybe Summer is right, everywhere you go, after a while, it gets boring. But why did I miss Lund thought? Maybe because it's when we're far from something we like and we miss it we realize we like it a lot. But still, how can I say that my home is here, knowing that in one year and a half I'll be somewhere else, living with new people, taking new habits?
'Home sweet home' does not exist. Or yes, it does. 'Home sweet home' is just a unique place, that is hard to find. And actually, it can be where ever, where ever the one you love is around...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Back to Lund. Strange sensation, a bitter taste on my tongue. I don't think it's because I'm back. I think it's because of the total lack of implication (from myself) when it was time to say goodbye (again) yesterday morning with my parents (especially my mum). I thought they'd understood the last time, but they hadn't. They still think they can hold me all their life, but it's not the rule. I am on my own (well, apart from this tiny detail that is money) and I feel good like this. My "home" is here in Sweden for now, and I have the certainty that it will never be again where I grew up to my parent's house. I have been sure of this for a long time now, and I thought it was clear with my parents, but it seems they still hope, they still consider me as the son coming back every time. But it's over.I'm not mad though, it's a normal reaction for parents.
Two more days with them and I was not far from depresssion. I know it's not nice at all to say that, but I'm honest.
I'm glad to be back.
Tonite, we have already plan to gather all together for a beer at Ariman café.
I'd like to see snowing now. Really. Oh, by the way, those vaccations were great. Thank you Qiao, Summer, Carol and Theo... I had a lot of fun, even if sometimes you were a bit late or do everything you could (inconcsiously) to annoy me :) You've been the best guests ever !!! Thank you thank you thank you
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Listening: Commercial flight
One more time, I am wondering about myself.Is it me who is too serious, not cool, following my stupid values? Or is it something else?
First, I thought it was cetainly a cultural difference, or an educational difference. I mean, if I was the guest of a friend, even if all his family would have told me to feel at home, it wouldn't even cross my mind to leave the dinner table to go online and chat on MSN while everyone is still eating, and especially when I have already spent 98% of my day on that. Certainly because when I was a kid, my parents and grandparents kept telling me to not leave the table before my meal was over and that they decide I could get up and go away.
Anyway, that's what happen yesterday night at home with my guests...
I don't blame them, of course not, but I felt terribly uncomfortable with my parents. They seemed to not care at all, but I know (almost sure) that they noticed and were a bit upset. Fortunately, I have the coolest parents in the world, but I don't think this is a reason to do this.
Maybe they were not after all, maybe the more upset was me, because of my seriousness, because of my stupid values, because of the fact I am trying to be a good host and that the respect I get back is to leave the dinner table to not miss more than 10 minutes on internet.
Bah, it's nothing of a big deal. I already forgot it. I hope noone will take it too personnaly. It's just few lines on a blog, just a space where I can say what I can't somewhere else.