Monday, January 22, 2007

Swedish winter

Lund is snowy, finally! And everything is frozen everywhere. In France, it would be a challenge for everyone. As soon as there are 4cm of snow, everyone get crazy and panic is ruling the world. Here, life goes on as usual, cars are on the roads, bikes too, even if sometimes one or two riders end up on their ass. Snow fights are back too. But the feeling that we are in winter is the most important.

Tonite, don't miss the Bloc Party Black Session on the French radio France Inter at 10pm. Hope they gonna play some of their new songs...

In class, we're finally using our brains in a good way. Til now, we basically assimilated knowledges. 'Read and accept' (and remember please) was the daily routine. But our new class is so interesting (at least for me). It is challenging every minute, as it allows us to express our own thoughts and points of view, and that, because we are all different, we have to try to understand others' thoughts, and why not improve ours. 'Thinking out of the box' is cool. Talking about this: how many tales does the wolf have?

L'Abbé Pierre, a famous french preist who fought all his life for homeless and poor people, passed away. He was 94. Our president Jacquot is gonna organize national funerals as he was an important man. He diserves it, of course. But isn't it utopic that our dear Mr Chirac, a neo-classic liberalist who, theoritically and practically, applies a politic based on classe oppression, and so, is at the opposite of what did such a man as L'Abbé Pierre, can without any personal issues, be so ironic? I mean, I'm sick of this hypocrisism from politicians. And even if there is a big respect for the person himself, tell me how many times the French president tried to make his actions easier? Anyway, arguing is not useful for this very sad day. France lost a hero, not a national hero, just a hero, yeah, a real one.