Monday, January 15, 2007

I saw her at the anti-war demonstraion

We were talking about extreme sports the other night, that made me remember about the sky dive in the summer 2003 I've done in Vichy.
I know since that day what adrenaline means.
This impression of 'flying high' was the most exciting part actually. I knew it would last only a minute, no more, and when you're in the air, you're shared between enjoying 100% the effects on your body, the air blowing into your ears; and also trying to free your mind and to tell yourself you're here, 5 km above everything, free like the wind, you don't think, you are just here, feeling good, tripping in the unknown, going down for the most exciting stuff of a lifetime (apart from love, of course), telling yourself you are invicible up there, nothing can touch you, nothing can annoy you, you're flying... High...

I don't know why I'm talking about this.

Yesterday, I had dinner with my two favourite chinese girls. And tonite, after the esperanto class, Oleg YuKey and yo invited us to their new place for a small and lovely dinner.

Jens Lekman is playing on the radio (inde poprock on SomaFM), the song is 'I saw her at the anti-war demonstration'... When is the next anti-war demonstration? Please?

Norway? Spain? Holland?