Standing in line to see the show...
Fortunately, the concert tonite is alcohol free. Coz' I drunk too much of those beers, vodka and whisky recently. Geez, the last nite was good, I really needed it.Everything started on thursday nite. Silvia was leaving the next day, and so we all went out together a last time. We went to a pre-party first with some classmates of Ben, who is studying buisness. I have a declaration to do: even with all the efforts I could make, I'll never fit with those people. There was this danish guy, Berg, that saved me from my desolation. To feel better, I had few drinks... Then, went to a big party with the all 'snobbish Lund'... Drunk more, coz'.... same reasons than above!
Friday morning, back in school at 9. Hangover + 65 students + 65 laptops + Stella programme = HELP !!! At 4pm, everything is over, the week-end is back, and we start with the 'school pub'. More beers, again. Usch. Then back at home for a 40 minutes nap, cold shower, lasagnas, and way to Ariman. There, two Jack's with Eduardo, Nacho and Marina (but not sure it's her name...). Finally, Yellow House. I stopped drinking but water.
That's here I met Thomas, Oleg's friend. Thomas is supposed to play in a concert tonite in Lund, and it turned out that the other members cannot make it. And so, as I had a big buzz, I told him "if you need a basse, I'm in", and then... I'm gonna be in !!! Yeah yeah, for one song sure, maybe two, but I'm gonna be in. My first concert ever... Still don't realize.
Wish me good luck...