New start #???
Quoting this blog a few month ago:'And then, emptiness... Or new adventures'
Well, so far: emptiness. Still one month to go for new adventures.
Dam it, I hate being stuck at home. Not that I don't like my parents or my friends, not that I don't like the city I live in. It's just the feeling of turning around and not doing interesting things, and by interesting, I mean things that teach me, or at least contributes to my experience. I still have one month to go, it's gonna be a long month, and since yesterday, there are even more uncertainties ahead of me...
I hate to be right when I write a song...
And for everyone: love is too beautiful to be spoiled. When you grab it, don't start making it complicated. Questions and problems arising from it are nothing. Just drop it into the river and focus on what is important: to love and to be loved. Because it's a chance!