Running for the SIS
The writing marathon...The writing marathon, it's gonna be Torsten and I, and maybe some others who will join in 3-4 hours. And from 8pm until God knows when, we'll be writing and writing and writing again, until 50 pages, limit for the thesis report. So yes, by tomorrow morning, hoppefully, I will have my final draft done.
And then, it's gonna feel so good, because tomorrow is friday, and friday I'm in love. And friday night is Indigo @ Blekingska, and tomorrow, there is The Radio Dept. @ Indigo, and you know what? I got my ticket.
And then... It's almost vaccations, or kind of, because then, there is the defence, and the graduation. but after, it's gonna feel good.
But to tell the truth, Zorro will feel lonely, so lonely, and maybe useless.