Monday, April 21, 2008

Lost in transcription

Boring day! I am transcribing the interviews I made back in France. Headphones on, laptop playing some recordings at 60% speed (I already hated my voice, but played slower, oh my god!) and my fingers which type and type again... Well, it is shitty work, but necessary.

China is boycoitting France, because of the mess we made for the Olympics. I don't really know where to stand in this event. On one hand, I am really pissed at what China is doing in Tibet (when I say China, I mean the authorities, not the people) and I think protests are necessary. But on the other hand, should protests interfer with a sportive event, one of the oldest event still celebrated? And what is even more troubling is that once more it's in France the troubles started. Are we gonna be for ever the trouble makers, the strikers, the protesters? It's not helping our image abroad unfortunately, and that makes me wanna puke. So yes, I can understand the boycott, and I can understand the protests against China, but I can't understand being judged for things I don't even know what to think about. There are some days, I really wish I was not from France. can I be from Europe instead?

I guess I'm still upside-down from saturday night party... My stomach still feels weird. What is it, really? Anyway, I liked being there, I liked the conversations, I liked the conversation, and I liked everything that happened. Jeez....

Listening today:
SOMA FM - Indie Pop-Rock
The Editors
Camera Obscura
... And you will know us by the trail of dead
+/- Plus/Minus