New start
It's been a little while I've felt like writting again on this blog. After a year of nothing. What a shame!I took my decision something like 2 min ago when I checked the blog of another friend. I hadn't done it for many month. It felt pretty good seeing that she was still updating sometimes her virtual space.
Winter has been long as far as I can tell and I am really looking forward the spring, I mean, the real spring. Lund is cold and windy, not too much rain though (who could believe that actually?) It seems the grey atmosphere is following me in every parts of my life. And the damn thesis due 25 of May is killing me. Anyho, everything will be fine sooner or later...
I am organizing our graduation dinner/party/farewell that will happen 13 of June, a friday. Some says it's bad luck, some other says, it's good luck. I say: man, France is playing Italy the 13th of June! Why is the graduation ceremony that day!
Alright, just kidding, I wouldn't miss this event! In France, such things are not usual, and to tell the truth, that will be my first official ceremony. I guess I'm as excited as a 18 yo boy getting out of highschool (finally!) and gets to the real world.
But eh, the real world for me, it's going to be another story.... And no, i don't wanna go back studying in France.
See you
Listening recently:
Kate Nash
shout out Loud
MGMT ('Time to pretend' especially)