One more concert
Another concert yesterday night.
I met Zeynep and Yo at
Smålands Nation, David joined later. We drunk some beers, chatting for a while. I felt very tired, I hadn't slept that much the few past nights. But whatever, we're young...
Around 23.30, the supporting band, Lost Summer Kitten, started to play. Two girls and their guitars, two voices and a harmonica, for three songs a drummer and a basse-player, and a melo pop-folk to cry all night long. But sensations when listening, I promise.
And then, the attraction of the night finally showed up: miss
Britta Persson.
A long-hair drummer is sitting on the right side, tatoos on his arms, but he looks very quite and kind. Britta, oh, Britta... She's wearing quite simple clothes, almost like a man: black jean that is too short for her and we can see her socks, black and used tee-shirt, where 3 pins are attached next to the heart, brown choose (men choose I guess but not sure). She is not a complexe girl, and the way she dressed up tonite makes her enchanting, brings up her feminine side. She takes her accosutic guitar. We are just down the stage, there is not that much people, public not really reactive unfortunately. She starts singing the first song, after few technical problems. Her voice is so... While she's playing, she has to stand on her toes coz the micro is too high, but she won't fix it. Her voice is so...The songs are about love, 'boy, you are not my boyfriend', about life 'I'm 24' and other stuffs. She then play with her electric guitar, and also a piano. The music is not very complex but it works perfectly. Her melo-pop reminds me Feist, and the drummer adds this taste of Shivaree. Sometimes, you surprise your foot kicking the rythm, but more often you wanna close your eyes. And her voice is so...
During an hour maybe, she enchants us, and it's over.
I need fresch air, I need to smoke. David and I, we get out and I light a Lucky. We hardly talking, and suddenly, he looks next to me with a big smile: Britta and her drummer! Smiling, she asks me a cigarette in swedish. I laught, give my paquet and in the meantime, tell her that we don't speak swedish. She is kind of surprise but starts talking to us. During few minutes so, we talk about her music, about what we are doing here etc. She's very cool, some swedes starts to chat in swedish to her and she asks them to speak in english, because we are here. Cool, isn't it?
After, David took the piece of paper where their tracks list was.
Her voice was good to cry.
It's been a good day, please take a picture
I feel like taking pics those days. I also feel very irritable. But I manage and I keep everything inside. I think getting older makes me more reasonable.
From Qiao's window:
Sun behind trees (in case you have not got it yet ;) ):

In front of the astronomy department:
Love makes blind
The last few posts have been kind of descriptive, I know. But fortunately, I have new thoughts tonite.
This is weird how people act when they are in love with someone that is not, or not anymore, or not in the same way, the same intensity. You can tell them whatever you want, usually tips about what they should do to try to move on, to forget, to stop going down, they won't follow it. I guess this is instinctive. They know that you are right, oh yes, they know it. But anyway, their heart is not sure yet, their heart is not ready to do it, to make the big step forwards the immensity of 'stop-loving-and-feel-so-empty'. This is a hard step to take I think, but if you haven't experienced it, then you cannot understand.
I've got to realize that it is useless to tell them what they should do or not. It's better to sit here, keep an eye open, even if we don't understand, and when the lover needs support, just be here, recomforting. You see, I've been in this situation for such a long time... waiting for something to happen, not ready to move on, still stcuk to the same place. And how lucky I was to have good friends around that was just listening to me when I needed it, even if I know they did not really undertsand, they just respect. And this is the best to do.
I'm going to repeat myself but it's not a matter of time, it's matter of ourself.
Do you remember what you wrote me: 'Don't be sad, everything will be just fine. I promise you'.
You were right. Write me sometimes...
Everything will be just fine...
Should have I been so reasonable tonite ?
The party in Malmö was terribly good. Came back home around 5, in strange circumstances, but anyway, in one piece. All my thoughts to Reshmi, Jen, Lina, Torsten and Andrea who decided to come back walking. It took them something like four hours and a half. Respect!!!
This afternoon, after a hot chocolate at Ariman, Theo and I tripped into the streets of Lund where I caught few instants.

This morning: hangover.
Got up at 10, went to åsa's place, where I joined some other guys from the butch. Asa is our coordinator and she's moving out to a new place, in the center of Lund, and asked for a hand. A moving truck, twelve guys, in two hours we were done.
Then got back home, I'm gonna eat and sleep, because tonite... way to Malmö. Twin's birthday party !!!
To every people who will read this post, I wish you a wonderful week-end!!!
It's friday, I'm in love
Here I am, after a crazy friday...
After a good night, without the pressure of any take-home exam to handle in, I got up late in the morning, and took it easy. I finally decided to take my bike to the shop because few things need to be fixed. On my way back to school, I stopped to the music store and stayed like a kid in front of a red Fender basse, 7,995 SEK... Not good for my wallet. And because I'm not ready yet to sell my Cort... Then, one hour in class, got to the systembolaget and get stuff for the crazy week end that is expected. The others left to watch a movie, I just hang out in the streets, as they already put out all the Christmas decoration. After a hot chocolate with cream and marchmallow (highly recommanded, Expresso House) and the reading of a french newspaper, I finally got home, and got ready. After picking up Qiao, we went to Summer's to have dinner together. The pasta were not the best ever, but the chocolate cake was succulent. Around 22, I drove back Qiao, without going upstairs (it was a better idea!!!), went back home, picked up Ben's bike and ride to the Yellow House. Here I joined Adrianne, Camille, Jenny, Oleg, Torsten, David and Andrea. Few beers, some others who joined, and we were on our way to the nation party...
Blekingska Nation...!!!
Blekingska Nation... you killed me!!!
The place is small, a bit out of the center of the city. It looks like another building in the neighbooroud. We smoked one, and got upstairs. It was 23 or so. The music is good, not too loud, the place is not crowded yet. We got some beers. In the back of the room, not that big, a scene with amps, a drum and wires everywhere. Yes, every friday night, they've got a concert. I heard earlier the band who is playing tonite on MySpace, and I found it interesting. And here they go...
Jeans and shirts, no hair upside down, they don't look to be the kind of crazy rockers that jump everywhere. A drummer, two guitarists and a bass player who sings too (respect!). we still don't know what to expect, but anyway, we're in the front, not even 1 meter away from them. "Vi är Sibiria" (we are Sibiria). During an hour or so, they just enchanted me. With their indie pop-folk-rock, all in swedish, they transport me somewhere else for a while (maybe the beers helped a little bit). It was one of those moment you don't think about anything, it's intense, it's serene, your hand is moving alone with the rythm, sometimes you wanna jump, sometimes, you wanna close your eyes and escape thousands miles away, sometimes you just want to kiss this girl who is dancing next to you and who feels the music the same way as you. It was not a rock that breaks everything around, no, it was a mix of Belle and Sebastian, Beatles and the Smith. Sibiria, you wre great. After the show, a very good DJ just played some good indie pop rock, I even heard a nice track from Camera Obscura, and the band even show up to drink few beers, a good occasion to talk a bit with them. Very cool and open, those guys really diserve good things for the future.
So if you have a minute, go on their
MySpace, listen it, and why not, find a good music store...
Je rêvais d'un autre monde
I lost 4 kilogramms since September.
Lebanon torn again.
Trying to get tickets: Bloc Party in London.
Summer: get out!
'Beauty is everywhere'.
Made strange dreams the two last nights.
Oh, thank you Liberalism...
Pouin pouin pouin
Fred, I won. 2.08 am.
Jönköping in two week-ends.
Lionel behind Ségolène: I told you Marie... prime minister!
4 000 unemployed soon in Belgium: Volkswagen...
Hej man, welcome to my poor reality of the week. I should be finished late at night.Tomorrow, I'll get out.
I drink all my juice and enjoy the meal
Today's lecture has been made by a guest, and what a guest!
An old man, maybe 65 or 70, very calm and serene, well-dressed but not too much, was there when I entered the classroom. The first look at him was imposing respect. When our teacher introduced him, everybody stopped looking for a pen in bags, moving leggs or chairs, whatever could make a single noise. In the environmental field, he played a very important role during the two last decades, as he was the head-diplomate leading the swedish delegation from the Rio Summit to the Johannesburg Summit, passing through different protocole on desertification and climate change, notably Kyoto. His name is Bo Kjellén, and his lecture has been one the most passionating I've ever had.
Apart this, I still focus the major part of my days reading and writting those two assignments. What a life!
And i'm sorry for telling those boring things. And also sorry to have nothing else to say, something more interesting. Because nothing is happening in my life (see above).
Getting younger
I hope you like the new design of the blog. It took me some times (4 hours) as my HTML mode is at the zero level. I know, 4 hours lost instead of reading my favourite books and writting writting writting... Yes, but there is something new. Deadline is on friday, not thursday !
Anyway, enjoy it !!!

Picture from the wall of my room in France
Drawing by Cédric
I should have...
I should have titled saturday's post:
'So lonely inside, so busy out there'
Stuck between a rock and books
All right. Back to reality. Take-home exam and book review. Deadline: thursday, 12pm.
The book I read for the book review was kind of boring. It's called "Path to the green world" and explained the relationship between economical politics and environment through 4 different perspectives (Market-liberals, institutionalists, bioenvironmentalist and social greens).The book is pretty boring to be honest, as the authors repeat the same shit over the pages. Out of the 8 chapters, reading only the two first and the last one is enough. Whatever, I read everything.
About the take-home exam, two questions, the first about the implementation of the different inernational environmental agreements: are well-implemented, and if not, what are the causes and the solutions. Second question about democratisation of environmental governance. What is the role of the different groups (state, NGOs, private orporations...). Two books and a half to read. Yeah, I know...
So apart reading and typing, I don't think I'll be able to do that many things the next following days. Pouin pouin pouin...
The new BP is in my laptop... A nuclear bomb is in my laptop...
Late night thoughts
2.50am. Just back from a party. I didn't drink tonite, I had to drive my car. I felt like never before, don't know really what it was. But it was a nice feeling. You know, not having your three beers to have fun, dance, talk to people.
Now I'm trying to talk with Summer on MSN but she's not here. Damn it.
It seems like at 4.30, I should get outside and watch the sky. Because it's gonna be a meteorite rain. Yeah! And we're lucky, the sky is clear. Should I get up? Should I wait?
Everything will be okay. The matter is not time, the matter is only us. But everything will be okay.
Nice friday evening yesterday...
Why people do not do what they want?
Why are they almost always stopped by barriers?
How is it possible to have circumstances that tells to no act as desires would?
Why people keep saying it is too complicated for this kind of relationship now?
What is complicated? Please, explain to me?
"I like you a lot. You like me a lot." What's the big deal though? What is complicated?
"Oh yeah, maybe it is not good to do it because of our situation. And if it turns out that it doesn't work, something will change, and what will happen of us?"
"And what will the others think?"
What is it? What keeps our feeling enclosed deep inside, and that, when they suddenly come to the surface, are kicked by thousands of circumstances...
"Maybe we should wait?"
We know where we are today, but we don't know where we'll be tomorrow...
So why waiting? Why not doing something we want more than anything? This is a just to remind some of my friends...
Here is a quotation from one of the new song of Bloc Party, the song is "waiting for the 7.18":
If I could it again
I'd make more mistakes
I'd not be so scared
of falling
If i could do it again
I'd climb more trees
I'd pick and I'd eat
More wild...blackberries.
ScubaDrew forever
Hello folk!
Here is a short video made by a man I really appreciate. He was my diving instructor in Hawaii, and apart from teaching how to dive, he is profesional underwater cameraman... And he is good at it.So here is a small video made by him. The site is called Shark Cove, that we've made twice together and I think some of the shots have been taking some days I was around ;-) ). By the way, he's called ScubaDrew...
If you want to see more videos, you can check his
website. And if you go one day on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, give him a call and you'll have the time of your life.
Thank you ScubaDrew !!!
Ghost in the shell
Ben Carole and I, we have all the reasons to believe that there is a ghost in the house.
We think he got in the house during the night from monday to tuesday. We think he walked around and try to disturb our night. I was laying in my bed since midnight. I was turning and turning and turning around in my double bed, once cold, once hot. I got up to open the window. I closed it. Still awake. I turned on my laptop and started playing stupid card games. Shut it down. Turned again. No way. I fell asleep around certainly 3.30 or 4, I'm not sure. I slept very bad and tuesday morning was such a challenge in class.
But this is not the only event that makes us believe that a ghost came in. It turned out that Carole and Ben had also trouble with their sleeping that night.
Around 1, Ben woke up after a terrible nightmare. He admited afterward he never makes nightmares. After that, he also had trouble falling asleep again. He woke up many times and in the morning, he was all sweaty like he run for hours.
And for Carole, she fell asleep pretty quick, but exactly few minutes after Ben woke up from his nightmare, she woke up too. She fell asleep again quickly, but after 3. She couldn't sleep anymore, right when I fall asleep...
Was this ghost playing with us? Did he want to annoy us? Did he want to get new friends? So many questions without answers...
We did answer one though: why did he came here, in our house? It seems that it is all my fault. During Halloween's party, I was making this loud laught Hohohohoho, and since then, I've been keeping doing it. Hearing me, he would have certainly thought that another real ghost was there. Because he was angry to find no ghost, he maybe bothered us during our sleeps.
Well, another usual story.
Who can't make the difference between 1.5 L and 0.2 L ?
Carol lend me a little book. She said she reads it when she feels blue. She asked me to read chapter 4, and even if I don't understand everything, that I should at least get one line that would make me reflect.
The book is called
Make caring your target from Kaitholil. The chapter four is titled
The attitude I choose. I picked up those lines from Balfour:
The best things to give to your ennemy is forgiveness; to your opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, good example; to a father, deference; to your mother; conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all people; charity."Thank you for the comments folk. I do appreciate.
Today, something unbelievable happened. I talked with Fred.
To your friend, your heart" (you lucky I read it before ;-) )
Song playing :
can't exist - joseph arthur
Season song
A la faveur de l'automneposté devant la fenêtre/je guette/les âmes esseulées//posté devant la fenêtre/je regrette/de n'y avoir songé/maintenant que tu abandonnes//a la faveur de l'automne/revient cette douce mélancolie/un, deux, trois, quatre/un peu comme on fredonne/de vieilles mélodies//rivé devant le téléphone/j'attends/que tu daignes m'appeler/que tu te décides enfin//toi, tes allures de garçonne/rompiez un peu la monotonie/de mes journées de mes nuits//a la faveur de l'automne/revient cette douce mélancolie/un, deux, trois, quatre/un peu comme on fredonne/de vieilles mélodies//a la faveur de l'automne/tu redonnes/a ma mélancolie/ses couleurs de super-scopitone/a la faveur de l'automne//comment ai-je pu/seulement être aussi bête ?/on m'avait prévenu/voici la vérité nue/manquerait/plus que le mauvais temps/s'y mette,/une goutte de pluie et/j'aurais vraiment tout perdu
Hohohohohohohohoho (with a loud voice)
What a week-end! I still don't know if it was very amazing or very boring...
It all started on friday night at Ariman, where I joined Eduardo for a beer. We decided to meet there every friday night aorund 6.30pm. Then, we went to LUMES. The other butch was organizing a party for us. We were all spread off in different cooking goups. They prepared everything to make sushis, so we made sushis. I got lucky to be in the same group than YuKey and Yo, who are, I have to admit, sushis professionals. The party went on, beers and songs, talks and dance, and Qiao somewhere else.
Saturday morning, I got up with a huge headacke, but I mean, I diserved it. Should stop drinking. Around two, I was so bored that I decided that it could be a good idea to visit Zeynep in Malmö. I just told Summer about it, and as Thursday, we decided to do it in spite of all the readings. I called Zen, and that was it. Two hours later, we were in Malmö. We had a coffee, then a dinner. I was feeling very good, just doing something unexpected, forgetting for a while my reality. Summer was tired, Zeynep so happy to have visitors. Just before 9, we all took a train back to Lund. I stopped to David's to watch the rugby game. New-Zealand humiliated France. We finally ended up at Francisco's birthday, where I only drunk water (see saturday morning). When we left, on the way, as we were talking, a wonderful chinese song was smoothing the atmosphere, everybody shut up while Summer and Qiao were singing. I was looking at my feet, I guess I was smiling, like I was as serene as this song. Before to go back home, I went to Qiao's, just to have a slide of pizza and talk a bit about life, love and dirty things.
Got up at 12 today, and did nothing but eating, watching TV, chat on MSN with my dad, my sister, Lu, Summer, Qiao and Virginie.
Song playing on:
tulips - bloc party
Summer 2008: Olympic Games in Beijing... Why not?
This afternoon, I picked up Summer. We went down town as I needed a new warm hat. Once I got it, we didn't know what to do. the night was coming, it was cold. We wanted to see the sea. We took the car, filled up with some gas, and drove. Til the sea. It was dark. It was terribly silly. Next time we'll go til Göteborg for a dinner.
Jen has a voice extinction today. Poor girl.
Hé Summer: now, you know why I'm going so often at the library... Anyway, those books are boring ;)
Favourite of my player recently:
you could be happy - snow patrol
It could be our opportunity
I am officially registred as "french citizen living in Sweden". I even got a new number. Yes, we are all numbers. The System...
I am glad Martina Hingis came back to the competition. I am glad too that the democrats took back the majority in USA.
Thank you Marie-Hélène. I guess I could talk to Summer and see if you could eventually join our spy agency "The crazy stupids". Your code name will be Purple. Roger that. Over.
What would make me very happy would be to wake up at home one of those Sunday morning filled with hangover and Aspro, get my ass in the couch and watch Téléfoot, and then listen my mum calling us because the lunch is ready. She has cooked some magrets de canard au miel et aux figues. Oh yeah, mum, if you read it, next time I come, please cook me some magrets...pleeeeaaaassseee...
If you promess to let it grow...
I felt kind of bad recently, empty I should say - not depressed. It is like nothing is going on while the time is passing so fast. It feels like something needs to happen, soon. Something exciting and entertaining. Or something dramatic, that's gonna put rush in my life. I am tired of just getting up in the morning, go to the library and read, get in town and not even be able to buy a new hat because I don't have a single kron, getting home to do nothing interesting but facing the strange atmosphere which is in the house (and that I guess I mainly contribute to spread around here) and sleep. But shit, i am stuck with my studies, I am stuck because I have to be extra careful with the money (i can't even fill my car with gas), and so the probability for me to get something original is minimized. I guess that what was happiness recently is just getting into routine, maybe because it was not happiness but just a relief (I quote Qiao here...)
The new Bloc Party's album, 'A weekend in the city', will finally be released on february the 5th of 2007. To know everything you have to know about the creation of this album and its content, a very nice description is available on
The link...In school, we made a paly role all afternoon long, trying to recreate the negotiations that are going on in Nairobi right now - negotiations about the post Kyoto protocol. We had a chair, two secretaries, the OPEC countries -countries who has oil, AOSIS -pacific islands countries, EU, G77 - developing countries, USA, CAN which is an NGO, and IPCC which is the official resources provider. Everyone came with its own objectives and concerns. After exposing our point of views, we had a kind of break to create agreements and coalitions. We finally had a last talk and try to write a report. I was playing United States for this session, and it's been kind of hard to justify our position without telling "yeah, we fuck you all". It was very interesting to try to negotiate with China especially. By the end, we had no real agreement, but it showed us that those kind of negotiations are fucking hard to conduce because of the different interests, and also that unfortunately, environnement depends totally on economical stakes.
Tonite, dinner at Qiao's place with Summer: Tagliatelles and Carbonara Sauce, Water-melon and Kinder (the ones with the surprise inside, they didn't know it), political talks and dirty thoughts... That was cool.
Run on
The Halloween party took place in a student residence, friday night. I can't tell how many people were there... 5, 6, 7 hundred, maybe more. Certainly more. With my white bed sheet, covered with fake blood, and its holes to let some piece of my hair, I was kind of cool. Back at 3, again.
After the climate change manifestation - I'd like to tell all my friends who are not french that was not a manifestation, just a meeting, I went to a friend's, who ask me to not mention his/her name. When I came in, the room was, how to tell, in such a disorder! I'd like to tell my mum that if sometimes she turned crazy because of the mess in my room, she would have died of a heart attack coming up in my friend's room. Everywhere clothes, pages, books, money, pictures, wires, camera, computer, plastic bags, glass, spoons, empty ice-cream box, toilet paper, tea bags, cookies, a dead plant or two, shoes... The most extrodinary thing was the way he/she had no trouble to find his/her stuffs all around the place. He/she knew exactly where everything was. am kind of similar actually. I spent the whole afternoon there, then Qiao and David joined us for an improvised and excellent dinner. Back around 1, again.
I realized I just posted a picture of myself, the first one on this blog. Creep.
My back is stuck... Help !!!
I'm listening Play from Moby. It was such a long time. I love it.
This afternoon, I'll certainly go to Gloria's to watch England vs New-Zealand - rugby game. Woohoo
PS: Still without any news from some of you... should I write first, again?
What did you expect? A top model...
Here she is... my new girlfriend...

Sorry, it is not funny...
MTV taught me how to tie my hair
Hello people... I'm back !!! And my laptop too, thanks to Maryam.
The snow is gone in Lund, and the sun has been shining for two days, with temperature around 0°C. I don't know why, I felt very strange, I still do, bad thoughts on my mind, a big need to be alone, I even bought a CD of Leonard Cohen today. The winter is such a crual season. But there are always surprising things happening... Will this winter stay in the tradition? I am sure that it will...
Tomorrow, all the LUMES is gonna join around 1pm a manifestation in Lund. After talks of different people, a pacific walk will go around for pointing out that climate change is still killing Earth.
I watch the MTV Europe music awards yesterday night. Discusting! Well, threw all the nominees, there were only two or three artists I liked - The Killers, Red Hot, Shakira, The Arctic Monkeys. After, when you consider the fact that Keane is competing in the category "rock" and that The Sugarbabes are giving interviews in exclusivity for MTV, there are few hopes that this show is gonna have any glimpse of interest. Anyway, I had nothing else to do, so I watched. Fortunately, The Killers have animated the party. First interview on the red carpet filled with only "yes" and "no". Interview after the show: "we don't understand to compete in a category called "rock" where we were only two real rock bands". Thank you The Killers to have killed this party... Ahahah! The funniest part was the spot of Cameron Diaz giving tips to act sustainably: "Unplugged your laptop battery when you don't use it". Thank you. And just after, Snoop Dog who is wearing a fur coat, and using enought electricity during his show to provide light for at least a whole year in an african village. Bah, commercial music is not for me...
The picture is coming tomorrow, it is a promise!
PS: Who can vote for Christina Aguilera..?
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Tuesday 1st of November, 8.47am. It is snowing in Lund.