Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ghost in the shell

Ben Carole and I, we have all the reasons to believe that there is a ghost in the house.

We think he got in the house during the night from monday to tuesday. We think he walked around and try to disturb our night. I was laying in my bed since midnight. I was turning and turning and turning around in my double bed, once cold, once hot. I got up to open the window. I closed it. Still awake. I turned on my laptop and started playing stupid card games. Shut it down. Turned again. No way. I fell asleep around certainly 3.30 or 4, I'm not sure. I slept very bad and tuesday morning was such a challenge in class.
But this is not the only event that makes us believe that a ghost came in. It turned out that Carole and Ben had also trouble with their sleeping that night.
Around 1, Ben woke up after a terrible nightmare. He admited afterward he never makes nightmares. After that, he also had trouble falling asleep again. He woke up many times and in the morning, he was all sweaty like he run for hours.
And for Carole, she fell asleep pretty quick, but exactly few minutes after Ben woke up from his nightmare, she woke up too. She fell asleep again quickly, but after 3. She couldn't sleep anymore, right when I fall asleep...

Was this ghost playing with us? Did he want to annoy us? Did he want to get new friends? So many questions without answers...
We did answer one though: why did he came here, in our house? It seems that it is all my fault. During Halloween's party, I was making this loud laught Hohohohoho, and since then, I've been keeping doing it. Hearing me, he would have certainly thought that another real ghost was there. Because he was angry to find no ghost, he maybe bothered us during our sleeps.

Well, another usual story.