Sunday, November 19, 2006

Stuck between a rock and books

All right. Back to reality. Take-home exam and book review. Deadline: thursday, 12pm.

The book I read for the book review was kind of boring. It's called "Path to the green world" and explained the relationship between economical politics and environment through 4 different perspectives (Market-liberals, institutionalists, bioenvironmentalist and social greens).The book is pretty boring to be honest, as the authors repeat the same shit over the pages. Out of the 8 chapters, reading only the two first and the last one is enough. Whatever, I read everything.
About the take-home exam, two questions, the first about the implementation of the different inernational environmental agreements: are well-implemented, and if not, what are the causes and the solutions. Second question about democratisation of environmental governance. What is the role of the different groups (state, NGOs, private orporations...). Two books and a half to read. Yeah, I know...

So apart reading and typing, I don't think I'll be able to do that many things the next following days. Pouin pouin pouin...

The new BP is in my laptop... A nuclear bomb is in my laptop...