Running doves ?!?
Two weeks witout an entry... I am really sorry.
I can not explain everything that happened in those two weeks: too much maybe, too boring certainly.
I would just say that I run the Göteborg Half-marathon last week-end, in 1h58min57s. Under two hours for a first experience is not that bad, especially considering the facts I am a smoker and I trained three times in the two previous month. Nice picture, isn't it? ;)

Also, I would like to introduce you the "Doves' show" through videos. I realized yesterday that two doves have built a nest on our balcony and are getting ready to lay very soon. Here is the first episode... Enjoy!
To be continued...
So here we are
Bloc Party...
I don't know where to start. I don't know what to say.
I should go like this. Usually, when I wait for something for a long time, I imagine it in a way. And in the end, it is disappointement, cause what I was xpecting does not happen, and the reality is not as good as I would have liked. For example, Coldplay. I was waiting the concert for months, and i hated this concert.
Last monday, it was more than a year I was waiting to see them, my band, Bloc Party. I have seen many of their gigs on internet, I know them by heart, every little details about them. I was expecting something. What I got was very different though. But better than my expectations.
With david, we showed up ten minutes before the opening. There are not too much people and we get in, we are on the first line, just in the center. Now, it is time to wait two long hours to see them coming. I feel the pressure coming a bit, my legs are moving, i feel nervous. Around 8, more people are here and the supporting band shows up. Three guys, a bit had rock,a bit too simple, not a nice music, we can't hear what they are singing. They only stay for 30 minutes.
Now the hall is crowded. There are sits upstairs as well and with David, we feel a bit old into the crowd. Here in the front side, only young jerks of 18 years olds. That reminds me when I was going to gigs in their age. Whatever, I am young and even if i was not, i ll be at the exact same place.
The technicians are installing everything. Russel did not forget his 30 pedals, Gordy's micro has to be at the right place, not a centimeter on the left. The white drums of Matt, whose birthday was the previous day (important for the following), are checked. Now, let's wait for them, let's wait for Kele to transport us somewhere else.
The lights go off. matt is the first one, followed by Russel, Kele an Gordy. Kele is smiling, as always. He is much more beautiful I thought he was. He's got his red sweater (i was hopping for it actually). Everybody is exciting in the crowd. At the second they got in, I feel this pressure in my back and I am all crashed to david. There are two 15 guys just in front of me and I am a bit scared for them, but they look okay. I can't believe it. Bloc Party, they are here 3 meters away from me, I can almost touch them. It is a dream that comes true. I am already transported somewhere else.
"I am trying to be heroic" starts Kele, alone, without any instruments. And the guitar gets in, the drum, the bass. Song for Clay is so good to get started. Everyone is already jumping and sweating around me. Kele is smiling while he's singing, his voice is so pure. Everything is crazy, I am smiling too, my arm is balancing in the air following the rythm of the drum... I am here, alive, feeling, dancing, forgetting. I am happy and sad. Happy to listen the best music made those last ten years in live. Sad because of the melancholic songs of Kele.
The bass line of "Positive tension" follows. Eerybody is singing. Anyway, it s "so fuckin useless".
Then, they will sing and sing and play again and again. "7.18", "Uniform", "I still remember", "Sunday" ("I love you in the morning, when you are hung over"), the wondeful "Hunting for witches". From the old album, "Banquet", "So here we are", "Like eating glass" (the best song of the nite), "helicopter" for the ending, "She's hearing voices". A B-side with "two more years" and all the ones i forget. The best to me was "this modern love". I think Kele noticed th heart I was making with my hands at the end of the song when he was singins "I'll be yours...", and I think he smiled to me...
I don't want to give more details, I want to keep it for me. ANyway, I am not sure I can express them. It was so....
Just for the fun though... Between two songs, as it was silent, I tried to wish Matt a happy birthday, and so I screamed. And so Kele heard me and said "ah, finally!". But matt did not hear, so Kele said "can you repeat for him?" So, david and I started to sing happy birthday. And as unbelievable as it is, Kele took his microphone and gave it to David, and then, we sung, right in the micro... Happy birthday Matt !!!!