Saturday, October 14, 2006

I was getting older


I'm just back from the Yellow House. We watched "L'auberge espagnole" followed by "Les poupées russes". What is love? How do you want it? Do we love only once? Should love be perfect? Is love the real mean of life?
So many questions asked in those two movies. So many questions stuck in my head. Anyway, I'm not gonna try to answer it, first it is too late, second I promised someone to be less "serious".

Xiaoqian has quite the same ideas as me about "philosophy of life". We spent few times this afternoon, under rays of light warming the air, chatting, sitting in front of the library. Maybe she'll come with me in France for Christmas. I hope so. Theo may join too.

Did I tell you Nicolas and Amélie are going to come very soon?

Is love the mean of life...???