Monday, September 25, 2006

Let's destroy La Bastille again !!!

Was that a coincidence or a conspiration ? I mean, to bring a french guy in a pub called King's Head ! And previously, Camilla's mother who confused me telling me I need a headcut instead of a haircut..? Yeah, French cut the head of their king few decades ago, but is it a good reason to think they still do and they are obsessed by this idea ?
The machination kept on today! My new class is about the social theory, and to understand our "modern society", a long review of the french revolution is required.
Well, there is something going on.

Apart that, the week-end was great, spent in Trollhättan at Jojo's place with (almost) all the family Sjöö. Saturday morning, after a good walk, Jo and I just decided to take a bath in Öresjö, the last of the year I guess. The plan for saturday night was in Göteborg. As we were leaving her place, she remembered she had tickets for Liseberg, an attraction park. So, like two little kids, we went. And I have to admit it was fun. It is sometimes cool to make silly things, just go and enjoy, forget the other things. We flight twice over the city, Jo closed her eyes the first time, I screamed.
Later, we joined our favourite velvetsquirrel, got to her place and went out. Few beers, few cigarettes, few kilometers walking threw the streets.
Yesterday, I came back home to Lund.

Thanx one more time Milla for the night. And Jo... take care over there. I wish you the best.